
As a technologist growing alongside the internet, I've always believed the future will revolve around the democratization and accessability of information.

Throughout a decade of engineering and product design my work has advocated for user experience and iterating prototypes to test ideas in the real world. Design is only a system of communication and our ability to leverge it depends on empathizing with other's needs.

As a start up entrepreneur, I've pitched in pursuit of mission-based businesses only to close and see customer-first outcomes fall behind personal interest.

If you are working on a team whose core product speaks to a meaningful need and culture prioritizes welfare, I would love to hear what you're up to:

Follow me on Instagram to keep an eye out for my projects and check out BBUC, a cycling apparel project with friends where we believe sport is a gateway to self-discovery.

Some Work Experience Highlights

  • SVP of Product working in behavioral healthcare to predict patient outcomes through historical data, natural language processing, and real-time monitoring from caretakers.
  • Consultant developing the core technology strategy for a health literacy brand whose mission is to empower every body through science-based education.
  • Design lead and project manager for a cloud-based analysis platform quantifying supplier reliability and material consistency for aeronautics manufacturing.
  • Early advocate of parallel design and development to iterate responsive web and build UI libraries for stakeholders to test ideas in the real world.
  • Marketer working in ecommerce for record labels and apparel brands to improve conversion through narrative content strategy and performance optimization.